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  • Notrium Fanfic

    Idiota 19 years ago
    Real good, hermit! I liked this one especially, very original! Keep it up!
    HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
    I'll tell all of the people wondering when the story will end: I have no clue. It all depends on future chapter length, if I'll add any extra events to the plot (which I probably will), and the time I think the captain will be done with Notrium (but dont worry, he'll be back on Notrium eventually ) If all goes as planned you're looking at around 35 chapters, maybe even 40. Then I might rewrite some of the earlier ones, especially chapters 1-5... those ones are terrible, and combine a few chapters together.
    Murska 19 years ago
    After he leaves Notrium, what will he do? 20 chapters more...
    HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
    Think about what Zex has in mind for his mod, and what the story for the New Dawn RP was, and my sequel won't be far off from that. The alien threat must still be vanquished.
    burgerking 19 years ago
    Hurry and write the next chapter, I'm hooked!! This is better than T.V!!
    There should be a mod based on this!
    Fusion 19 years ago
    Dont think its feasible.

    It would be easyer to do a clone
    HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
    Chapter 26: A Familiar Name, A Familiar Place-
    The trees were spaced more apart now. The captain knew what this meant. They were finally about to exit the Hive, and about time too. He didn't feel at ease by these trees, and his dislike for it grew after the recent turn of events. Most of his senses had been heightened by the ordeal he went through. He was able to see a little better during the nights before, but this was remarkable. While he couldn't see things that were in complete darkness, he could notice movement much more quickly. Any small twitch from an enemy and he would know. His ears heard things that he never knew existed before: the rumble of the ground as a volcano erupted, steam rising from an evaporating pool of rain, the feasting of a nearby alien hunter; He could hear it all.

    Along with the augmentations to the basic senses also came new senses barely opening their doors to him. Oftentimes when the Psionic and he would stop to rest, he felt something strange about Notrium. Before, Notrium was just another series of landscapes, a planet among many. But now... he felt almost attached to it. It was a beautiful planet, albeit a graveyard to the souls and bodies of countless dead. If he ever had to name a home other than with a ship and a crew, then this planet would be it. It was a strange connection, like discovering an old friend after many years.

    But never was the connection stronger than when the Psionic lead him out of the borders of the Hive. They were noticing the ground had changed color from a crimson soil, to a bright green. The trees thinned out, and the ones that dared to sprout this far were overridden with fungus and moss. Some were reduced to nothing but green tentacles in the ground. When the captain looked up from the ground, he saw a panoramic view of flat land occasionally marked by a vine-like tree. Rain poured down on the captain, and it felt good against his skin. The air was crisp and clean. There was no doubt; they had arrived at their destination. "This is indescribable." said the captain in awe. The Psionic told him, "This is the land of Eden."
    "Eden?" thought the captain. The name sounded oddly familiar.
    The Psionic sped up his pace, obviously eager to press onward. "My people once lived on this exact same ground, until something terrible happened. This was their paradise. This is my home." The captain closed his eyes. He found that without his sense of sight he could feel the life around him better. Eden was a name he had heard before, but now he couldn't recall when.

    They saw a strange stone building surrounded by orbs of light. Inside stood a spherical altar, overgrown with vines and moss. Light from the orbs focused on this altar. The Psionic entered the building, gently moving aside some of the debris in his way. He bowed down in front of the altar. The captain didn't know why but he mimicked the gesture. It felt like that was the proper thing to do.

    He was almost in a trance-like state when he felt a strong force knock him into the air. A green tentacle had shot out of the ground and smacked him upwards. The Psionic turned and shot a glittering blue projectile at the tentacle. It was frozen in place, seconds from another attack. Three more tentacles rose out of the ground and batted the Psionic around easily. The captain ran behind one and grabbed its tip. He wrestled with it for a while before twisting its tip around and repeatedly pounding the tentacle into the ground. The Psionic shot out pink blasts of energy that ripped the last two tentacles to shreds.

    The captain hopped around, not wanting to stay on the ground for too long at a time. The Psionic focused for a moment to heal his wounds. Then he destroyed the tentacle that was frozen solid. "Apparently we aren't welcome to pray in Eden's altars. Let's leave before more of them show up."

    They traveled deeper into Eden until they saw smoke rising from a nearby swamp. It was still thick, suggesting that the crash was fairly recent. "Strange" whispered the captain. The grey smoke was in stark contrast to the light-green sky. "Should we check it out?" he asked.
    "Yes. Nobody would crash here purposely, and Eden is too far away from the missile defense sites. And if they are enemies, it would be a good idea to kill them before they can do any harm to this place." He heard a deep concern in the Psionic's voice.

    After wading through the wet swamp (the captain at least) they reached the crashed ship. It looked like a Ville Corp dropship but it was so horribly disfigured that nobody could tell for sure. The wings were missing, the after burners had all fallen out except for a dangling one, and what remained of the cockpit was a molten slag of metal. The captain stepped in front of the Psionic and picked up a piece of the hull plating. It read "VC". When he saw this he instantly raised his guard. Their leadership might be gone but he had fought alongside and against these marines before. If they were here then he and the Psionic were both in danger.

    A silhouette rose out of the wreckage holding a firearm, followed shortly by a second, shorter one. The heavy fog obscured their outlines. A gruff voice yelled out, "Don't move!" and one of the people aimed the gun straight at the captain. The two people ran forward until they were only a few meters away from the captain and the Psionic. Now was his chance. The captain jumped and slid under the swamp until he was right below one of them. He kicked down and threw a punch simultaneously, knocking the person down with him, but his legs grappled the captain's neck, and he pulled him up to the surface. It was already too late. The captain found himself staring down the barrel of a VC pistol, the kind that killed. The second person shouted out, "Wait, stop! He, that man, isn't an enemy, yes..." The captain saw the pistol move sideways as he was released from the painful hold. The person who had told his companion to spare him now extended a hand to lift him from the wet ground. "Good that you are alive, truly, not dead. But why, how... are you here, now?" The captain rubbed away the mud in his eyes. He looked deep behind the visor of the marine that held him up. He said happily, "It's good to see you too."
    burgerking 19 years ago
    "Fusion" said:
    Dont think its feasible.

    It would be easyer to do a clone
    Hmmm... I dunno bout that, You could make the jounal with exerpts from this story, and when a certain number of days elapse a story event could occur. The game starts on the ship and when you have spoken to all of the crew you are told to go to the cargo bay where you fight the alien etc, etc...
    HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
    Chapter 27: The Grand Altar of the Psionics-

    "This is the last place I'd think you would be hermit." said the captain, looking at the same man whom he said goodbye to so long ago. The other marine placed his pistol back in his holster, but his hand still gripped it tightly. He looked the captain straight in the eye, and the captain was sure that if his visor was off, that look would be ten times as piercing. The marine asked slowly, "And who is this man?" The captain didn't wait for the hermit to provide an answer before giving his own. "I'm not your enemy, and that's all you need to know. Now why don't you relax, we don't mean any harm."
    "We?" he asked.
    The Psionic walked out of the thick puff of fog he concealed himself in. His posture was almost as hostile as the marine's. The Psionic sent a thought privately to the captain, "You know one of them, but not the other."
    "Yes, the shorter one is a hermit I encountered who deserted the marines. He is a friend, but the other..."
    "In the other, I don't sense the usual servile and orderly mind of a typical marine. His mind is chaotic and willful."
    The marine whipped out his pistol without a second thought.

    "Another one of those alien creatures. Don't even try to make a move toward me or else I'll blow your brain right out of that freak head of yours!"
    The hermit forced his companion's hand down. He coerced the marine in a calm voice. "If alien travels and captain travels together, then alien is friend of us and me too. They, the alien too, won't harm you. If all else fails to convince, persuade you to not shoot them, then know he was the one who killed Ville."
    The captain interjected, "No, actually-"

    Tentacled creatures suddenly appeared, their shadows amplified by the fog. They ran towards the marine, hermit, and captain with their "roots". The hermit tossed a shotgun over to the captain, and pulled a shotgun out for himself.
    The marine raised his weapon at the nearest of the plant creatures.
    "I'm not spending one more minute in this god-forsaken place." said the marine with unwavering conviction, despite being extremely afraid. He fired off a few bullets at the creatures and ran away from the crash site, into the fog. The plant creatures were in close pursuit.

    The captain shouldered the shotgun and raised one eyebrow quizzically.
    "Right." the Psionic said, "I guess there are only three of us now. Don't worry; those plants won't harm us unless we provoke them." The hermit shrugged,
    "I never really liked, was fond of, him anyway." he stated a little nervously. The Psionic then turned to the captain. "These are all that are left of the Psionic race. I saw them in my dreams, mutilated and transformed. I beg of you, as a friend, to accompany me on one last action. With my newfound power I am now capable of breaking their imprisonment. You have given me your help in coming to Eden with me, but I ask that you go with me to see this through to the end. If you do not, I will continue alone, because this is something I feel compelled to do for my race. So, captain, what say you?"

    The captain smiled and clasped the Psionic's hand, a human gesture that bewildered him. "It's the only way I can repay the help you've given me. I will be by your side in this final task."
    Then he asked the hermit, "What about you? Are you still the coward you were before?"
    the captain teased.
    The hermit frowned, "I resent that remark. You know that I am in your debt, I will help you, and this 'Psionic' any way I can... even if it means, spending more time in this dangerous, no, deadly, place." He shivered.

    The Psionic appeared extremely relieved.
    "Thank you both. First we must find an orb that I saw in my dreams. The curiosity of my people proved to be their downfall. When they discovered such energy located in their oldest and most sacred altar, they let their guard down. They unleashed the orb's powers and the entire planet fell under its power. I think that this orb would be located in the largest altar in this area. Then all three of us working together can destroy it."

    "I saw a large structure in the middle of four other altars while we were coming in. If, maybe... if my memory's right, it should be that way." He pointed to the direction their ship came from. The three of them left the swampy area and headed towards their final destination.

    It was enormous. Stone slabs were stacked on top of each other to create a towering building with three prongs stretching into the sky. A single, long stairway lead up to the inner chamber. The stairs were broken or missing in some places but the entire structure looked as stalwart as it was millennia ago. Once they got closer, the captain could see that the three prongs weren't stone like the rest of the tower, but were instead long vines that formed the base for a large green sphere. "That's it!" the Psionic exclaimed.

    They ran up the stairs, occasionally jumping in surprise as a step crumbled away. The Psionic was the first to reach the top. The orb was suspended above their heads, slowly rotating. When the captain looked more closely, he noticed that it was an exact replica of the planet Notrium. Every minute detail was faithfully replicated. Even the small dots
    of crashed ships were recreated flawlessly. It was like seeing Notrium from space.
    The Psionic stood in the center of the room and raised his arms above his head

    "Come, both of you. Close your eyes. Imagine the orb above you and focus only on this object. In each living being lies their soul, their life force, their inner essence. Find the reason you two are still alive. Whether it be determination, cunning, cowardice, resourcefulness, or guilt. Let it be your strength, and in turn, send your strength out to the orb, using your mind as the catalyst for this transfer. Focus now."

    The captain did as was commanded by the Psionic. He got a small taste of what it was the enabled the Psionic to do what he did. Deep in his self, he took his willpower and channeled them through his mind. A beam lanced out from his forehead and into the orb. He could only guess that the same thing was happening to the Psionic and the hermit. The orb had its defenses against this intrusion. Slowly but steadily a feeling crept into the captain's awareness. It was the exact opposite of the primal instincts he felt in the Hive. This time, there was an overpowering desire to simply stop. He wanted to settle down into the ground and stay there for the rest of his life. He felt tired, helpless, and worst of all, he didn't care. This is what must've happened to the Psionics and some of the survivors. Rather than become a things of impulse, rage, and hunger, they became driven by apathy and inaction. Instead of spending the rest of their days killing, they spent the rest of their days dying a death that would take an eternity.

    He felt the ground shake under his feet. There was danger nearby, but what did he care? Perhaps he would deal with it later, any time at all, just not now. Then another voice said defiantly, "Snap out of it." He shook his head, "No, No. I won’t."

    The captain's opened his eyes and the white beam of energy disappeared. He ran to the stairs and looked down. It didn't seem possible at first. There was no way that so many of them could be there so quickly. Beneath the fog were the familiar outlines of hundreds, if not thousands of blue, brown, and other breeds of aliens, all madly racing to the stairs. "It's... it's the orb. They're drawn to it."

    He shook the hermit by the shoulders and it immediately put him out of his stupor. "We've got some major problems. Get your weapon."
    "Leave me be. I will finish the job. You two deal with the them." echoed the Psionic's strained voice. "But, can you do it alone?"
    The Psionic could barely answer, "Go... can handle... this." His skin's hue tinged with green.

    The captain and the hermit both looked down the stairs at the sea of hostile aliens, all screaming for their blood. "I'd say we run, flee, if there was only another exit." said the hermit. The captain looked at his face, which was glistening with sweat and extremely pale. "Don't worry; as long as we don't run out of ammo we can hold them at bay. I hope."
    The aliens climbed up the stairs, some of them losing their balance and falling to their deaths. The nearest blue alien was only a few steps away. The captain and the hermit fired their shotguns in unison, killing it instantly. The appearance of a fresh corpse didn't cause the other aliens to slow down even a little. The captain loaded another round into the shotgun's chamber. It would be a miracle if he got out of this one alive.
    Fusion 19 years ago
    Woot new episode!

    But I dont want psiguy to be a plant ...or do i?
    ville 19 years ago
    This would make a decent roleplaying book. Thanks for the new chapters Hermit! Always glad to read them.
    burgerking 19 years ago
    One of my friends is entering a short novel contest of a story over 10, 000 words. You could enter this!!!
    HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
    Do they allow fan fiction though? Most competitions like that require the work to be 100% original.
    burgerking 19 years ago
    I'm not sure of the rules, but it is a very good story!!
    It's not like notrium is a commercial game. no-one i know cept me even plays it! Except one of my friends that i gave it to.
    I think Notrium needs more promotion though and this might be a good way to bring it to a wider audience.
    BTW Notrium was released twice on a PC user disk. Once as 1.0 and again as 1.32 that is where i got it.
    ville 19 years ago
    "HarmlessHermit" said:
    Do they allow fan fiction though? Most competitions like that require the work to be 100% original.

    Just tell them it's a collaboration then.
    HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
    It's not the longest, but I think this is the most intense chapter yet, and rightly so.

    Chapter 28: In the Heat of the Battle-They fired their shotguns straight into the aliens. There was no aiming or timing. It was just shoot and reload. The crack of weapon reports and the dying cries of wounded aliens broke the peaceful silence of Eden. Blood sprayed in synchronization with the gunfire. Bodies dropped as quickly as they appeared. It was almost like music, in a twisted sort of way.

    The captain didn't dare pause or hesitate, or the aliens would break through the doorway. Wave upon wave of frenzied beasts threw themselves against the two defenders. Some even attacked each other in order to get ahead. Even though they were holding the onslaught at bay, the captain knew it wouldn’t last. When he reached his arm down to grab another box of bullets, there were none left. The delaying of the inevitable had ended.

    Like water rushing over a fallen dam, the aliens burst into the altar room. Using the shotgun as a club, the captain batted away the attackers. The hermit began wrestling with two brown aliens. In the struggle, his pack came loose and was flung at the captain, He caught it and ripped it open. There was nothing but some repair tools a and a survival kit.

    He stared blankly at the bag, while the aliens ran straight past him, leaving him alone. They were closing in on the Psionic.
    There was no time to think. He had to use instinct. He gave one last swing at the aliens before reaching into the repair kit. He grabbed a black metal object.

    He flipped a switch that sent it on overload. A loud whirring sound muted out all the other noises. The whirring became a screech. The screech died out. In a bright blue flash, tendrils of electricity shot out in all directions. The aliens went into shock-induced spasms. The captain grabbed more of the repair kits and tossed them into the alien masses, stunning them, blinding them, or killing them outright.

    He was only then noticing the Psionic, who was in a struggle of his own. The planetoid above him was glowing with greater strength, and the Psionic was visibly fatigued. His skin had now transformed into a thicker, organic material. He too was fighting a battle with no victory in sight.

    "Hang in there." The captain whispered. He pulled out the bulky survival kit and saw the familiar silver gleam of an ether container. He took it and hooked it onto a glass tube. He took a strip of heavy duty tape, and taped down a lighter to the end of the tube, and its ignition button. Finally, he used a second lighter to weld the glass to create a leak-free surface. The whole series of actions took only moments. The pile of stunned aliens lodged in the doorway finally gave way. At the same time the captain grabbed his hastily-made flamethrower and pressed the "ether release" button.

    A shroud of flame engulfed the nearby aliens. They were instantly lit aflame by the sudden stream of fire. The captain ran around, roasting the helpless aliens without remorse. The flames crackled malevolently, daring the aliens to leap into its heat. Many of them did, disregarding the charred corpses that the flamethrower had already created. The hermit had now resorted to stuffing pebbles in his shotgun. It worked, but barely.

    The incoming tide of enemies could no longer be halted. The sheer number of them created violent tremors in the ground. This was no longer a matter of being able to repel them, it was now a matter of not being trampled by thousands of clawed feet. The captain and the hermit slowly lost ground until they stood with their backs almost touching the Psionic. They looked exhausted, yet defiant.

    The captain gazed out at his doom. He saw the blue shiny skin of small blue aliens. He saw the spiked arms of the brown aliens. The teal claws of white, arctic aliens were also among the crowd. He could've even sworn he saw a few pairs of faded yellow eyes.

    This was his end: To die fighting for not only his own survival, but for his friends' as well. On a strange world far from his home, but which was in, so many ways, his true home. His last act to defend it would not be in vain. And as he gave one last look at his death, he did not see the black empty void awaiting him, but instead, a warm, lasting haven for his soul. He turned on the flamethrower at the same time the hermit fired his gun. It was to the captain's surprise that a wave of energy expanded from behind him, knocking him to his stomach. The aliens were pushed aside by the energy bubble. The altar room was cast into a bright, pure light. The captain slipped from consciousness with a slight smile on his lips.
    Fusion 19 years ago

    At first I thought that captain was dead, then in a re read I found that you DO have more plans
    burgerking 19 years ago
    This is getting exciting
    Must read next chapter....
    muffinman 19 years ago
    Sup guys, and nice story your having there. Can't wait so hurry up, and how long have you been writing this story???
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Check the post date on his first post.
    HarmlessHermit 18 years ago
    Nooo! I had the entire chapter typed up but instead of typing Ctrl+C, I typed in Ctrl+V, thereby deleting the entire thing. I can't undo it either. Now I have to retype the whole thing again... Just wait for a little longer.

    [Edit] Although I loath to admit it, I think the story is better the second time through. There are some spots where I would have liked to keep the original version but other than that, some general improvement.

    Chapter 29: A Path to the Future-
    Light ushered into the room, disrupting the captain's sleep. His eyelids reluctantly opened. With a great effort, he looked around him. There was noone there. Whether they had left him or were no longer alive, he had no way of knowing. He did know that he wanted to give in to the strong urge to close his eyes again. His body was telling him to stay on the floor for just a little longer.
    Just a little longer...

    With that matter resolved, the captain closed his eyes, granting himself another restful nap. That is, what would've been a restful nap if a person hadn't ran up te stairs, stomp to the center of the circular room, and loudly shout,
    "Hey, captain! You're awake, not asleep any more, any longer. I feel lively, I have energy. Why do you sleep and are so drowsy? You won't believe thi- hey.. Hey I'm talking to you!"

    The hermit delivered a swift kick to the captain's side. Needless to say, he was then fully awake. The captain asked, "What happened? All I remember is a blast of heat from behind me, I was knocked unconscious, and then... I don't know."

    "I don't know any more than you do." said the hermit "but something, anything, could've and must've happened while we were unconscious, because look." The captain looked upwards. The vines that held the planetoid were whithered away completely. The planetoid itself was missing. Three crystal prongs. previously covered by the vines, reached into the sky.

    "The sky-" the captain muttered in awe.
    Gone was the thick fog that covered much of Eden. The sky was clear and bright, with a barely noticeable green hue. The change was astonishing. The captain ran out the room, down the stairs, and onto solid ground. Above him, birds, who were bold enough to venture in the once-forsaken land, chirped in celebration of Eden's transformation.

    Spheres of light mounted on columns were now visible in the absense of fog. They were centered around the grand altar and all shone magnificently.

    The captain fell to his knees. Without the overgrowth of plants, things were back in balance. This area now recalled images of the home of his childhood. The wondrous things here had a strong resemblance to Earth. A place he had forgotten long ago, but now was clearer than ever in his mind.

    The hermit caught up to the captain, catching his breath.
    "Beautiful, it is. Pretty indeed."
    he noted.
    The captain returned to his senses for just long enough to realize that something was wrong. "The Psionic. Where has he gone?"
    He ran in random directions, looking for the one who saved both of their lives just in time.
    He called out with his voice and mind but received no response. Tired and frustrated, the captain gave up the search. The hermit placed a hand on the captain's shoulder in order to comfort him. The captain shrugged it off.

    At that very moment, several shadows passed over them. They looked up. Flying right above them was a familiar sight. At least, familiar for the captain. It was a United Confederacy Heavy Assault Variant dropship, escorted by two Mark III Interceptors, each with a laser coil heated and ready for firing.
    As they circled lower and lower, there was an uneasy tension in the air. A single fear-induced finger twitch and the dropship would kill the two survivors instantly.

    But there was neither an accidental firing, nor a hostile gesture from the captain and the hermit, so the dropship lowered itself onto the ground. After making sure that the two were unarmed, four drop troopers approached them cautiously. When their leader saw the captain, he peeled off his helmet and craned his neck to examine the captain more closely.

    "You're the captain of the Var' Equinallin?" he asked. The captain had to think hard to remember the name. It seemed like a lifetime since he was on that ship. The Var' Equinallin had nearly faded from his memory altogether. "Yes." he finally replied.
    "The Fleet Admirals have been looking for you for days. We were about to leave the planet until our sensors detected a crashed ship in this sector. Is the perimeter secure?"
    The captain just stood there with a dumb smile on his face. It was the smile of a lost man who had been found at last.

    "It's good to see some Confederacy ships again. There's nothing left to be done here so if you would," he looked for the trooper's rank insignia "Lieutenant, we would like to go aboard the dropship. I'll explain everything there."
    Looking extremely dissatisfied, the trooper nodded. It was a long time before he remembered to add the words: "Yes, sir" in acknowledgement of a senior officer.
    The captain laughed. The very fact that a meticulously groomed, fully clad Lieutenant had called a dirty, bloody, and half-naked man "sir" was ironic.

    "What's your name, Lieutenant?" he asked.
    "I'm Lieutenant Mathew Bergman, sir."
    "Well, Mr. Bergman, when I get a long shower and a real set of clothes, then I assure you I will look more captain-like, but until then, you don't need to call me 'sir'."
    Lieutenant Bergman nodded again.
    "As you wish, si-. Ahem. As you wish. Who's this?" he asked, pointing at the equally bloody hermit.
    "This is a friend I've made on this planet. Don't worry about him."
    Lieutenant Bergman motioned for his men to lead the two survivors back to the dropship.

    They boarded it one by one until only the captain remained outside.
    He looked back and took one last glimpse at the altar. He noticed glowing dots floating up the stairs, and felt the presence of the Psionic. Immediately, the captain turned around and sprinted back a few steps, but stopped and hung his head in dismay. The last figure disappeared into the room. He knew it wasn't possible to be with the Psionic now.

    The Psionic must have known that as well, which is why he avoided a confrontation with the captain. They each had their own paths to take and their own legacies to create. No matter how tightly friendship bound them together, duty and responsibility could tear them apart temporarily. Their paths were at a fork, and the captain had to take his own way. The thought of maybe seeing the Psionic again, someday, comforted him. So, the captain turned and walked back towards the ship that would lead him to the future.

    But after the dropship rose to the sky and the altar was no more than a speck on the ground, the captain couldn't help but think about the Psionic.
    He never even knew his name.
    burgerking 18 years ago
    I take it as read that the captain will return to Notrium?
    Fusion 18 years ago
    *applause* Beautiful story HH, I really enjoyed reading this.

    Now just turn it into a .html and email it to Ville
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Was that the last chapter?
    HarmlessHermit 18 years ago
    No. Do you guys really want it to end early??
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    No, I was just fearing it would end now...

    That chapter just seems so... final...

    So final it makes me sad...
    Fusion 18 years ago
    "HarmlessHermit" said:
    No. Do you guys really want it to end early??

    The last chapter in my opinion was up to the high standards set by the best SF authors ever, Thats the way how all good things end but a post epilouge would be welcome
    HarmlessHermit 18 years ago
    It's not the last chapter, but it is supposed to be final. The captain and the Psionic are parting ways for a long time.

    There will be another chapter or two before the end, I think. I dunno, if you guys think this would be a nice ending chapter then I guess that would work too. What do you think?
    Murska 18 years ago
    MORE, MORE! Talk about how there is a war against rebels, then he meets these rebels, and he notices Psionic is with them. Then he has to make a choice. The final battle will be on... You guessed it, Notrium!
    HarmlessHermit 18 years ago
    Err, I think that's for the seq-

    What? I didn't say anything. Honestly.
    But now we have that little incident cleared up, I will say that those ideas are mostly accurate for what a sequel would have, maybe.
    I'm thinking about staying on the same time range and writing more stories for the different characters. The only one I'm not sure about is the Android. His backstory is a lot more ambiguous than the other characters. He doesn't have a unique ending. He lacks a definite goal other than freeing all androids, which sounds a little cliche. The Psionic and Alien are going to definitely be there though.
    AsdMaster 18 years ago
    The android should make other androids
    ville 18 years ago
    You're really good Hermit, we should have hired you to do the Notrium backstory and dialogs.
    HarmlessHermit 18 years ago
    There's always Notrium 2...

    So are there going to be more games in the Notrium universe or is Zex's mod the only thing we're going to have? Be a little more loose-tongued ville!
    Fusion 18 years ago
    "ville" said:
    You're really good Hermit, we should have hired you to do the Notrium backstory and dialogs.

    HarmlessHermit 18 years ago
    Chapter 30: Fleet Admiral Michael Jozwiak-
    There were three capitol ships in orbit around Notrium. The captain saw them out the side window and could identify them easily. The carrier Crego was withdrawing its search parties, the frigate Poseidon was lending its maintenance crew to the Crego and the destroyer Havoc... well, the Havoc just floated aimlessly while its crew tried to keep themselves occupied. When the dropship arrived in the main hangar of the Crego, the captain felt himself be pulled down by more artificial gravity. The dropship was an energy-efficient machine, yet it lacked a strong gravity field.

    The side doors flipped open and down, serving as ramps. The captain stepped down.
    "Welcome aboard the Crego sir. She's a beauty of a ship, built 2 years ago to serve as Admiral Jozwiak's flagship. I think you'll find it more than accommodating for the time being." Bergman said proudly. Without even asking, the captain could tell that this was his ship. Every naval officer each had a ship to call home. Few ever let themselves become too attached to a certain planet or space station. After all, planets and stations couldn't jet away at moment's notice to the very borders of known space.

    Bergman led the captain and the hermit to a service lift. In barely a minute, they had passed through 300 meters of metal infrastructure. When the door opened, the captain found himself on the bridge, with all of the crew members smiling at him and cheering.
    A man in neat, folded uniform and covered with medals walked over to the captain. Emblazoned on his chest were the words: "Fleet Admiral Michael Jozwiak".
    He was a legend among legends. The captain had studied Jozwiak's master tactics and brilliant strategies that led him to victory time and again.

    And here the captain was, being applauded by this hero of mankind. He could only stand in awe.

    "Bergman told me all about you over a private channel. I... I don't know what to say really, except that it was an unbelievable feat of willpower to survive on that hostile world for so long. We thought that you were gone for sure."
    Then his smile disappeared slowly as he walked closer to the captain.
    "What about Admiral Jared Thorpe? What happened to him?"
    The captain winced at the mention of that name. At that moment he wanted to forget that anything had ever happened on Notrium. A lump in his throat swelled so much that his voice was hoarse.

    "He's dead. He gave his life to disable a potentially dangerous weapons station so that this fleet would not be destroyed upon reaching Notrium. He had guessed that you would come, and apparently he was right. By infiltrating the base of a hostile collection of enemy soldiers, he was able to shut down the defenses."
    There were no tears in the captain's eyes, and his voice didn't break up much, but saying those sentences seemed like it tore his heart apart. The events on Notrium had happened so fast, he didn't have enough time to let the full impact of Jared's death sink in. Now that he was forced to relive it, it was 10 times as gut-wrenching.

    Admiral Jozwiak paced around with a deep frown. He finally said, "These soldiers have caused some problems in the search party. They call themselves the Ville Corporation right?"

    The captain nodded.

    "They're scattered almost everywhere on the planet's surface. We lost a few groups because of them. It just didn't seem like they were a huge threat at the time, and I never imagined they had the capability to destroy our fleet. If that's the truth, then these marines are extremely powerful." Jozwiak said while tapping a console displaying maps and records.

    "Not them." the captain said.
    "Pardon me?"
    "They are scavengers of technology. Whatever they used were either found on Notrium, or salvaged from the many shipwrecks. They aren't organized enough to be a threat off-planet, and they lack understanding of the weapons they use. Kill off their leader, and the rest will follow. I don't think you should worry about them."
    The captain made these statements sounding absolutely sure of himself, but the hermit was still behind him, shaking his head slightly after hearing the captain's report. It didn't seem right that the captain, out of all people, would be so cocky in his description of the VC marines. Unless, that was his intent.

    "Sir," one of the ensigns at the forward station interrupted "There's something coming towards us from Notrium's surface. It looks like a ship, and a big one at that."

    Admiral Jozwiak looked at the scanner screen and the captain looked at the viewscreen. He couldn't believe what he saw. The captain squinted and walked up to the screen to look at it more closely. There was no mistake. He was looking right at the front of the Ville Corp flagship. It was patched up in multiple places along the hull. There were several turrets missing from the underbelly, and, most noticeably, there was an enormous dent on its nose. The Poseidon and Havoc turned their guns toward the ship. Fighter wings were launched out of the Crego in case additional help was needed. The Crego itself maneuvered so that the many fighters and bombers in its bays could launch straight at the ship.
    A message from the incoming vessel appeared on the viewscreen. On it was the tall personage of a Ville Corp marine.
    The marine had his helmet off, so beads of sweat pouring down his head glistened in the light. His suit was ripped and punctured. He looked as raggedy as the ship he stood in.
    Admiral Jozwiak crossed his arms and focused his attention on the message. The captain was silent.

    Before the marine on the screen said a single word, the hermit closed his eyes, secretly wishing that the captain would be able to stop what was to come, but he knew that it wasn't likely. With a weary resignation, he prepared to hear the marine's message.
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